The Skyforge campaign is a story of the liberation of human settlements and encampments from enemy invaders, as well as uncovering the mysterious forces at work behind these attacks. This shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes, and it’s time well spent. If you’re planning to play with friends, please keep in mind that it will be possible to group up with them after you finish the tutorial part of the game (the Dankit Island adventure). Pay attention during the tutorial mission - that includes the story character comments and the tips on the side of the screen! This may seem pretty obvious, but the better you understand how things work in Skyforge, the sooner you will learn to play well. To celebrate, we want to share eight tips to help our new players become immortal heroes. It’s time to become immortal and save the world from invaders.

I've tried.Hello everyone! The Skyforge early access period is coming to a close, and our epic action MMORPG launches today! Now everyone can download Skyforge and start playing for free. JoyToKey, Xpadder, Antimicro will not work with this method.When Steam is running as admin, the Steam Controller Configuration will work and override the blocking they have in SkyForge.It will prompt you to elevate Steam, be sure to CONFIRM it.Find Steam.exe on your computer (or use a shortcut to the Steam Launcher), then RIGHT CLICK on Steam and RUN AS ADMIN.Exit Steam BPM and Exit out of Steam completely.The 'Back' button in my config does an 'Escape' key if you double-press the button. Open Steam Big Picture Mode (BPM) and do your controller configuration as shown in the linked image for Controller Configuration.For Logitech there's the Logitech Game Profiler but you have to set it to use DirectInput mode so that it works in SkyForge. If you aren't on Steam, you should be able to do this with a hardware-based gamepad configuration tool. Steam Controller Configuration (Xbox Style) Must utilize the Steam Controller Configuration in Xbox Layout to use this, although it can easily be adapted to a Playstation-style Controller Layout. Just some handy images to show my Controller Layout and Keybinds.