Her face is reflecting the flames of the burning plantation, you know the way white people do, and his black face is dark in the night and she says to him, "Thaddeus, real love isn't ever ambivalent. Somewhere in there I recall, Margaret and Thaddeus find the time to discuss the nature of love.

And the slaves string up old daddy and so on, historical fiction. And then of course the Yankees come, and they set the slaves free. And so, there's a lot of hot stuff going down, when Margaret and Thaddeus can catch a spare torrid ten under the cotton-picking moon. And she's married, but her white slave-owner husband has AIDS: Antebellum Insufficiently-Developed Sex-organs. 'I know my mom loved me but when I behaved badly - like broke a dish accidentally - she would get so angry and then withdraw her warmth.' This isnt love. And her name is Margaret, and she's in love with her daddy's number-one slave, and his name is Thaddeus.

Which you can just one click to download. Well, you ought to, instead of spending the rest of your life, trying to get through "Democracy in America." It's about this white woman whose daddy owns a plantation in the Deep South, in the years before the Civil War. Because for your love and good status you want to post on WhatsApp, we have made it available for you here. I'd swear that's a line from my favorite best-selling paperback novel, "In Love with the Night Mysterious", except I don't think you've ever read it.